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Three essays on volatility specification in option valuation

Most recent empirical option valuation studies build on the affine square root (SQR) stochastic volatility model. The SQR model is a convenient choice, because it yields closed-form solutions for option prices. However, relatively little is known about the empirical shortcomings of this model. In the first essay, we investigate alternatives to the SQR model, by comparing its empirical performance with that of five different but equally parsimonious stochastic volatility models. We provide empirical evidence from three different sources. We first use realized volatilities to assess the properties of the SQR model and to guide us in the search for alternative specifications. We then estimate the models using maximum likelihood on a long sample of S& P500 returns. Finally, we employ nonlinear least squares on a time series of cross sections of option data. In the estimations on returns and options data, we use the particle filtering technique to retrieve the spot volatility path. The three sources of data we employ all point to the same conclusion: the SQR model is misspecified. Overall, the best of alternative volatility specifications is a model we refer to as the VAR model, which is of the GARCH diffusion type. / In the second essay, we estimate the Constant Elasticity of Variance (CEV) model in order to study the level of nonlinearity in the volatility dynamic. We also estimate a CEV process combined with a jump process (CEVJ) and analyze the effects of the jump component on the nonlinearity coefficient. Estimation is performed using the particle filtering technique on a long series of S&P500 returns and on options data. We find that both returns data and returns-and-options data favor nonlinear specifications for the volatility dynamic, suggesting that the extensive use of linear models is not supported empirically. We also find that the inclusion of jumps does not affect the level of nonlinearity and does not improve the CEV model fit. / The third essay provides an empirical comparison of two classes of option valuation models: continuous-time models and discrete-time models. The literature provides some theoretical limit results for these types of dynamics, and researchers have used these limit results to argue that the performance of certain discrete-time and continuous-time models ought to be very similar. This interpretation is somewhat contentious, because a given discrete-time model can have several continuous-time limits, and a given continuous-time model can be the limit for more than one discrete-time model. Therefore, it is imperative to investigate whether there exist similarities between these specifications from an empirical perspective. Using data on S&P500 returns and call options, we find that the discrete-time models investigated in this paper have the same performance in fitting the data as selected continuous-time models both in and out-of-sample.
Date January 2007
CreatorsMimouni, Karim.
PublisherMcGill University
Source SetsLibrary and Archives Canada ETDs Repository / Centre d'archives des thèses électroniques de Bibliothèque et Archives Canada
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeElectronic Thesis or Dissertation
CoverageDoctor of Philosophy (Desautels Faculty of Management.)
Rights© Karim Mimouni, 2007
Relationalephsysno: 002666350, proquestno: AAINR38620, Theses scanned by UMI/ProQuest.

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