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Nucleic acids of normal and neoplastic tissues.

In 1868 Miescher (1), by digesting pus cells with pepsin-hydrochloric acid and then shaking with ether, isolated nuclei and prepared from them an unknown compound which he called "nuclein". The substance was acidic in nature, insoluble in dilute acid but readily soluble in dilute alkali, and contained a high proportion of phosphorus. This latter property was noteworthy, for at that time the only known organic compound of phosphorus in the tissues was lecithin. Be subsequently prepared nucleins from a variety of tissues.
Date January 1960
CreatorsSpencer, John. H.
ContributorsQuastel, J. (Supervisor)
PublisherMcGill University
Source SetsLibrary and Archives Canada ETDs Repository / Centre d'archives des thèses électroniques de Bibliothèque et Archives Canada
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeElectronic Thesis or Dissertation
CoverageDoctor of Philosophy. (Department of Chemistry.)
RightsAll items in eScholarship@McGill are protected by copyright with all rights reserved unless otherwise indicated.
Relationalephsysno: NNNNNNNNN, Theses scanned by McGill Library.

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