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Embryo sac development in Cleome spinosa Jacq. ; together with taxonomic considerations.

This thesis is a morphological study of the megagametophyte of Cleome spinosa Jacq. from the archesporium to the mature embryo sac. The characteristic structures of the ovule of various genera of the tribe Cleomoideae, of which C. spinosa is typical, are compared with those of genera of the tribe Capparidoideae found in the literature. [...]
Date January 1955
CreatorsFrancis, Jean Burrows.
ContributorsRoscoe, M. (Supervisor)
PublisherMcGill University
Source SetsLibrary and Archives Canada ETDs Repository / Centre d'archives des thèses électroniques de Bibliothèque et Archives Canada
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeElectronic Thesis or Dissertation
CoverageMaster of Science. (Department of Botany. )
RightsAll items in eScholarship@McGill are protected by copyright with all rights reserved unless otherwise indicated.
Relationalephsysno: NNNNNNNNN, Theses scanned by McGill Library.

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