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Developmental competence of prepubertal and adult goat oocytes cultured in semi-defined media

In vitro production of embryos from oocytes recovered by laparoscopic oocyte pick-up (LOPU) offers great potential for the propagation of genetically valuable animals. In turn, the application of these techniques to prepubertal animals presents added benefits in that prepubertal animals may supply a greater number of oocytes than adult animals. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the developmental competence of prepubertal and adult goat oocytes cultured in semi-defined media. The follicular response and recovery of oocytes via LOPU from hormonally stimulated prepubertal and adult goats were also assessed. / Oocytes were collected over a 15-wk period from prepubertal goats, ranging in age between 3--7 mo, and adult controls, ranging in age between 2--4 yr, randomly divided into 10 collection groups. Oocytes from six of the ten collections were matured for 26 h. Four collections were not completed due to technical difficulties. Following insemination, zygotes were cultured for 4 d in G1.2 followed by 4 d in G2.2. Morulae and blastocysts were scored via light microscopy on Days 7 and 9, followed by fluorescent staining on Day 9 for cell counts. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)
Date January 2000
CreatorsKoeman, Jennifer.
ContributorsDowney, Bruce (advisor)
PublisherMcGill University
Source SetsLibrary and Archives Canada ETDs Repository / Centre d'archives des thèses électroniques de Bibliothèque et Archives Canada
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeElectronic Thesis or Dissertation
CoverageMaster of Science (Department of Animal Science.)
RightsAll items in eScholarship@McGill are protected by copyright with all rights reserved unless otherwise indicated.
Relationalephsysno: 001781662, proquestno: MQ70724, Theses scanned by UMI/ProQuest.

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