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Expression and characterization of ligand binding by the ectodomain of toll-like receptor 9

Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) activates the innate immune system in response to microbial DNA or mimicking oligodeoxynucleotides. While the discrimination of host and microbial DNA is presumed to reflect TLR9-mediated recognition of CpG motifs, little information is available to verify this hypothesis. Cell stimulation experiments demonstrate preferential activation of TLR9 by CpG-containing nucleic acids, however direct binding investigations have reached contradictory conclusions with respect to the ability of TLR9 to bind nucleic acids in a sequence-specific fashion. Here we report expression of the soluble, ectodomain of human TLR9 with characterization of its ligand-binding properties. TLR9 has a high degree of ligand specificity in being able to discriminate not only CpG dinucleotides, but also higher order six nucleotide motifs that mediate species-specific activation. However, TLR9 ligand binding is also functionally influenced by nucleic acids in a sequence-independent manner both in vitro and in cell proliferation experiments. A model is proposed in which TLR9 activation is mediated specifically by CpG-containing ligands while sensitivity is mediated specifically by the absolute concentration of nucleic acids in a sequence-independent manner.<p>The bovine hsp70A promoter was used to direct the heat-regulated synthesis of the ectodomain of human TLR9 in transfected cultured bovine cells. The protein was efficiently secreted from transfected cells in a temperature-dependent manner and the recombinant receptor produced was found to be relatively pure. A stably transfected cell line with regulated expression of the protein was obtained and repeated thermal cycling of the cultures enabled high-yield production of the receptor in an active ligand-binding form. Using this recombinant receptor to study the ligand binding properties of TLR9, a model of positive cooperativity is proposed in which the sensitivity of TLR9 ligand binding is modulated by the absolute concentration of nucleic acids in a sequence-independent fashion, while activation of TLR9 is highly dependent on DNA sequence. That is to say that TLR9 is primed for activation by interaction with non-activating sequences but activation itself occurs in a sequence-specific fashion.
Date04 September 2007
CreatorsPotter, Jean Elizabeth Anore
ContributorsWarrington, Rob C., Napper, Scott, Moore, Stanley A., Khandelwal, Ramji L., Griebel, Philip J.
PublisherUniversity of Saskatchewan
Source SetsLibrary and Archives Canada ETDs Repository / Centre d'archives des thèses électroniques de Bibliothèque et Archives Canada
Detected LanguageEnglish
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