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The Good Friday Cantatas of Christoph Graupner (1683-1760)

Christoph Graupner (1683-1760) was a High Baroque composer who worked primarily in Darmstadt, Germany. He was a student of both Johann Schelle (1648-1701) and Johann Kuhnau (1660-1722) while studying at the University of Leipzig from 1696 to 1707. For the duration of these formative years, Graupner developed a compositional style influenced by the Italian and French masters of the time. As a personal assistant to Kuhnau, and copyist of his music, Graupner had access to the most recent compositional techniques, and thus continued the development of his own compositional style. At the time of his 1712 Kapellmeister appointment at the court of Darmstadt, Grauper was an established composer and keyboardist. His reputation as an important composer of the time is evident in his appointment as Kapellmeister in 1724 at the Thomaskirche, Leipzig; Graupner, however, opted to remain at Darmstadt when the Darmstadt court increased his salary. During his tenure at Darmstadt, Graupner composed over 1400 cantatas and many instrumental works. One cantata representative of this period is presented in this document in the form of a modern edition score. Cantata GWV 1127/19 O Welt sieh hier dein Leben in modern edition score is the starting point of placing Graupners works in the context of the compositional techniques of the eighteenth century. A detailed textual and musical analysis is presented, together with major compositional influences and performance considerations of the Baroque period. The modern edition score is made based on the manuscripts found at the State and University Library, Darmstadt, Germany.
Date28 January 2015
CreatorsBahnean, Marius
ContributorsDouglas, William Lake, Shaw, Brian, McFarland, Alison, Dickson, John
Source SetsLouisiana State University
Detected LanguageEnglish
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