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Dig, Spin, Repeat

Dig, Spin, Repeat, is a body of process based installation objects that uses minimalistic aesthetics placed strategically in the gallery to highlight the architecture of the room. By connecting these unique architectural elements, the work aims to achieve mindfulness similar to the research of Ellen Langer: encouraging active observation. Drawing from my background in sports and factory work, I create multiple repetitive forms out of hand-spun yarn and sourced clay. The room-sized installation objects produced from these raw materials explore the value of staying in the present moment for both the viewer and myself.
Date09 March 2017
CreatorsSievers, Brittany Anne
ContributorsMcClay, Malcolm, Walsh, Michaelene, Warwick, Johanna, Kelley, Kelli Scott, Celentano, Denyce
Source SetsLouisiana State University
Detected LanguageEnglish
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