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Theatre Safety in Louisiana Secondary Schools: A Survey Study

Participation in secondary school theatre can have many benefits including the development of improved reading comprehension, self-concept, and empathy. In the world of professional theatre, each design area has its own department head and several levels of assistants and workers below them. Yet in the world of secondary school theatre, we expect one person to assume all of those roles in addition to the regular responsibilities of teaching. Not many people see theatre as being dangerous when compared to sports, science labs, or vocational education. However, it can contain many of the same risks.
This study investigated several factors that could influence theatre safety. Those factors included (1.) the education, certification, and training of theatre educators; (2.) the makeup and expectations of theatre; and (3.) theatre safety and hazards. A survey instrument was developed and revised to align with questions asked in previous studies and to make the time commitment reasonable. The survey was conducted online and participants were invited via a letter of invitation sent to school principals. Though the survey followed the format of several other successful studies, responses were too few to be able to generalize and any results must be interpreted with caution. Also undetermined was the actual number of Louisiana secondary schools that offered theatre related classes and/or activities. Further research is suggested on this topic in order to ensure that students, teachers, and patrons are being provided the safest possible secondary school theatre experience.
Date27 March 2015
CreatorsPyfrom, Christopher
ContributorsMurphy, James L., Cho, Eun Jin, Baker, Richard A., Parboosingh, Adam, Wood, Christopher H.
Source SetsLouisiana State University
Detected LanguageEnglish
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