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Reupholstery: A Guide for Prop Masters

Upholstery is something that is often looked upon as a daunting task. With a full guide to reinforcement for stage use, options in foundations, and charts to compute fabric yardages, this thesis will provide professional prop masters with a guide to heighten their standards of upholstery onstage. Featuring options and ideals for varying skill sets; it will assist prop masters with more information regarding the topic with options particular to the theatrical profession. In lieu of an expansive library of upholstery books that feature a variety of techniques, the information included in this document will serve as a supplemental guide of the best practices for theatrical use.
Date10 April 2015
CreatorsBrittingham, Kathryn Leigh
ContributorsCho, EunJin "EJ", Murphy, James L, Fletcher, John, Kazuschyk, Kyla
Source SetsLouisiana State University
Detected LanguageEnglish
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