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Symphony No. 1 and The Development of New Techniques in Contemporary Music Composition

The initial part of this dissertation is a symphony. Symphony No. 1 consists of three movements. Each movement begins with a monumental gesture designed to make a bold and unforgettable statement. Within each movement, there is an interesting array of harmonic and rhythmic schemes. In Symphony No. 1, the diametrically opposed concepts of simple and complex are featured prominently. These concepts are contrasted thematically, rhythmically, and harmonically.
The next part of this dissertation establishes the existence of certain obstacles facing contemporary composers and the benefits of developing new techniques in composition. The music of György Ligeti and Arvo Pärt are examined in order to explore of the specific techniques used in their compositions. This involves a review of micropolyphony, including aspects of its origin and development. This also involves an examination of the tintinnabuli technique and its role in the music of Arvo Pärt.
The final two sections of this dissertation include the presentation of a new compositional technique. Part of this presentation consists of a synopsis of some neo-Riemannian techniques, including aspects of harmonic dualism and parsimonious voice leading. This is followed by the comparative analysis of a new technique with methods used in established compositional works. The new technique is based on parsimonious voice leading extended to ninth chords and minor eleventh chords. It is also based on two distinct types of motives. The first motive is distinguished from the second in that it does not develop. Conversely, the second motive incorporates various aspects of motivic variation and development. The analyses presented in this section effectively demonstrate the uniqueness of the new technique as well as its legitimacy as a means of artistic expression and communication.
Date25 April 2017
CreatorsLacy, Eric
ContributorsSharky, Bruce, Shanahan, Daniel, Peck, Robert, Constantinides, Dinos
Source SetsLouisiana State University
Detected LanguageEnglish
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