In-Situ Chemical Oxidation (ISCO) injections were performed at Petro Stopping Centers # 10 (Petro) in December 2013 and June 2015. The methodology was direct injection of a heavy oxidizer, RegenOx®, followed by a time-release oxygen compound, ORC Advanced®, into a plume of gasoline sitting on top of the water in the aquifer in hope that this remediate the aquifer. Both chemicals are registered trademarks of the Regenesis®
The levels of contaminates have dropped considerably. However, Petro has not achieved closure criteria according to RECAP standards. The site is classified as a GW-1B, subject to the most stringent of remediation standards, due to its ability to be used as a drinking water source. The analytical results show undulating contaminate levels, dropping to below detectable levels then resurging to levels above acceptable RECAP standards. Levels show steady decline in all the monitoring wells including downgradient monitoring wells. The undulating phenomenon can be explained by desorption of COCs, incidental spilling of gasoline, or the clays affinity for organics. Further investigation into the clay will provide a better idea of which hypothesis is closer to the truth. During a sampling event, 3/19/15, levels were below detectable concentrations in all samples. Lab error offers a possible explanation for this event, the site still has contamination on it, if that sampling event produced clean samples is highly suspect.
The injections were successful at bringing gasoline contaminate concentrations down directly after an injection period. The method is effective and easy to apply. The resurgence of contaminates at this site is up for discussion and further study but, the method of remediation used at Petro is an effective tool in remediating a gasoline contaminated aquifer. Suggestions for improving the effectiveness of this method with the use of other injection materials in conjunction with the chemicals used in this project are mentioned in the discussion and conclusion sections of this thesis. Data referenced in this thesis is publicly available at the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality document search website EDMS under the Agency Interest(AI) number 5962.
Identifer | |
Date | 05 May 2017 |
Creators | Vidrine, Matthew Ryan |
Contributors | Wilson, Vincent L, Hugh-Jones,Martin, Portier, Ralph |
Publisher | LSU |
Source Sets | Louisiana State University |
Language | English |
Detected Language | English |
Type | text |
Format | application/pdf |
Source | |
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