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Nightmares are Dreams, Too

This work explores themes of womanhood through the creation of an installation that is a blend of visual art and costume design.
Often the initial creative impulse of a costume design can be compromised by the needs or necessity of a production. Using this instinct as a guide to the exploration of themes of womanhood, this journey will yield the design and production of highly theatrical and emotional pieces of art. The purpose of this work is to tell stories and share experiences of being a woman. The pieces will be displayed as an environmental installation that will invite the viewer to experience costume design in a non-traditional manner.
Date04 May 2016
CreatorsMorrison, Camilla Meg
ContributorsFletcher, John, McWilliams, Brandon, Parboosingh, Adam, Walsh, Shannon, Murphy, James
Source SetsLouisiana State University
Detected LanguageEnglish
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