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A Technology-Enhanced German Language Course: Effects of Technology Implementation and Cross-Cultural Exchange on Students Language Skills, Perceptions and Cultural Awareness

This study employed a within-group case study design using a mixed methods approach. In doing so, the researcher used a concurrent triangulation process during a one semester intermediate German language course. In addition to the textbook, the researcher implemented a Technology to Support German Language Enhancement (TSGLE) intervention. The TSGLE included use of the following Web 2.0 technologies: blogs, podcasts, online chat, and wiki, to create an environment of increased asynchronous and synchronous interaction. Additionally, students embarked on a cross-cultural, virtual exchange with university students from Germany by interacting through a blog, a collaborative video conference session, a German film screening, email, and individual video conference sessions. Although certain challenges arise with adapting to technology use and communicating with native speakers, quantitative and qualitative data indicate regular use of Web 2.0 technologies and participating in a cross-cultural exchange can enhance language acquisition and cultural awareness.
Date23 April 2015
CreatorsDettinger, Michael B.
ContributorsFasching-Varner, Kenneth, Kennedy, Eugene, Egea, Denise, MacGregor, S. Kim, Allison, Jesse
Source SetsLouisiana State University
Detected LanguageEnglish
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