The Effects of Using MorphoPhonic Faces as a Method for Teaching Sight Words to Low-Performing Kindergartners

Five kindergarten subjects who had no known disabilities, but were identified as low beginning readers received intervention using both Plain Word Cards (PWC) and pictured word cards, termed MorphoPhonic Faces (MPF). A group of eight words were presented as printed word cards and a comparable group of eight words were presented as MPF. Results revealed that MPF did not hold an advantage for learning and retaining sight words compared to the plain print words. Improvements in sight word training corresponded in time with improved skills underlying the alphabetic principle, including phonological awareness skills and letter-sound learning, as well as emerging decoding skills for two subjects. These findings suggest that working on larger units such as words with a focus on initial sounds and word patterns has a positive (and probably reciprocal effect) on phoneme and grapheme level skills.
Date23 April 2014
CreatorsBrown, Ashley Alexandra
ContributorsNorris, Janet, Gibson, Todd A., Hoffman, Paul
Source SetsLouisiana State University
Detected LanguageEnglish
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