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A Performer's Guide to Joelle Wallach's A Revisitation of Myth

The purpose of this document is to serve as a performance guide to Joelle Wallachs A Revisitation of Myth, a song cycle containing four songs scored for viola, piano and medium voice. Discussed within this guide will be important characteristics found in the songs, overview and analysis of each song, as well as performance recommendations. According to Wallach, this cycle has never been successfully performed to completion.
This document will include biographical information about the composer, Joelle Wallach, as well as commentary about the four poets, Luann Keener, Muriel Rukeyser, Denise Levertov, and Delmore Schwartz, whose texts are set in this cycle. Appendices include: a complete list of vocal works by Joelle Wallach and a transcript of a Skype interview with Wallach.
Date28 April 2017
CreatorsBrown, Lauren
ContributorsSims, Loraine, Bade, Lori, Sharky, Bruce, Jesse, Dennis
Source SetsLouisiana State University
Detected LanguageEnglish
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