Vocal Fold Vibratory Characteristics Pre And Post Phonosurgery Investigated By Stroboscopy

The purpose of this study was to investigate voice audio perceptual outcomes and true vocal fold vibratory characteristics following surgery for removal of vocal fold polyp. The specific aims of this study were 1) to determine vocal fold vibratory changes following surgery and 2) to compare these changes to audio perceptual ratings and Voice Handicap Index (VHI) scores. It was hypothesized that significant vibratory changes would occur following surgery and that Voice Handicap Index scores and audio perception ratings would correlate 1 week before surgery, 1 week following surgery, and 1 month following surgery. The most improved structural, functional, and audio perceptual outcome was expected at 1 month post surgery.
Eight patients were included in the study, five of which possessed follow up data three months following surgery. The three month data of these patients were also included in the analysis.
Results demonstrated a trend toward improved perceived vocal quality and vocal structure and function up to 3 months following surgery. Though Voice Handicap Index data were limited, there was a trend toward better VHI scores up to 1 month, then a slight decrease at 3 months.

Date15 April 2008
CreatorsDurand, Brittany Anne
ContributorsKunduk, Melda, Buckingham, Hugh, Oetting, Janna, Kim, Yunjung
Source SetsLouisiana State University
Detected LanguageEnglish
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