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Missing. . . A Story of Ambiguous Loss

There are two forms of ambiguous loss. Type one occurs when there is a physical absence, but a psychological presence, such as the loss one feels towards the grandparent that passed away before their birth. Type two occurs when there is a psychological absence, but a physical presence, such as the loss one feels towards a spouse with Alzheimers or dementia (Morris). The opportunity to create, direct, and star in my own one-woman show inspired me to explore the form of ambiguous loss my family and I endure each and every day due to the disappearance of my aunt, Sharon Shebby Wills. In Chapter one, I will be discussing the research process of developing the script. In Chapter two, I will speak on the creation of the script, the rehearsal process, and the final performance. Chapter three is a reflection on my experience and what it taught me about myself as a theatre artist. I will conclude with what I hope for the future of my piece and what it taught me about writing, directing, and acting.
Date23 April 2015
CreatorsAdams, Ashley Nicole
ContributorsCabaj, Stacey, Erickson, Nick, Judy, George
Source SetsLouisiana State University
Detected LanguageEnglish
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