Effect of Multiuser Interference on Subscriber Location in CDMA Networks

The last few years have witnessed an ever growing interest in the field of mobile location
systems for cellular systems. The motivation is the series of regulations passed by Federal
Communications Commission, requiring that wireless service providers support a mobile telephone callback feature and cell site location mechanism. A further application of the location technology is in the rapidly emerging field of intelligent transportation systems, which are intended to enhance highway safety, location based billing etc.
Many of the existing location technologies use GPS and its derivatives which require a specialized subscriber equipment. This is not feasible for popular use, as the cost of such equipments is very high. Hence, for a CDMA network, various methods have been studied that use the cellular network as the sole means to locate the mobile station (MS), where the estimates are derived
from the signal transmitted by the MS to a set of base station's (BS) This approach has the advantage of requiring no modifications to the subscriber equipment.
While subscriber location has been previously studied for CDMA networks, the effect of multiple
access interference has been ignored. In this thesis we investigate the problem of subscriber
location in the presence of multiple access interference. Using MATLAB as a simulation tool,
we have developed an extensive simulation technique which measures the error in location
estimation for different network and user configurations. In our studies we include the effects of log-normal shadow and Rayleigh fading. We present results that illustrate the effects of varying shadowing losses, number of BS's involved in position location, early-late discriminator offset and cell sizes in conjunction with the varying number of users per cell on the accuracy
of radiolocation estimation.

Date21 April 2005
CreatorsSharma, Rohit
ContributorsXue-Bin Liang, Morteza Naraghi-Pour, Guoxiang Gu
Source SetsLouisiana State University
Detected LanguageEnglish
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