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A Crow and a Hanger

A Crow and A Hanger is a body of work that explores and illustrates the nature of life and death through the use of mixed-media drawing and printmaking techniques. My intention for this work, and this thesis paper, is to explain my thought process and how the imagery came to be. For me it is not at all important for every viewer to fully understand each image and the thoughts that went into the body as a whole. I let the images and their titles lead the viewer in a general direction and allow for their personal history and biases to fill in the gaps. That being stated, the work for me is a kind of catharsis and coming of age tale. It is a metaphor for my acceptance and interpretation of our place in the cosmic scene. I sum up my thoughts with the affirmation that: You are potentialyou are ephemeralyou are permanent.
Date03 June 2016
CreatorsLivingston, Kelsey Ann-Morgan
ContributorsMalveto, John, Ortner, Rick, Koptcho, Leslie, Scott Kelley, Kelli, FitzPatrick Sifford, Elena
Source SetsLouisiana State University
Detected LanguageEnglish
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