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Without Words: An Exhibition of Functional Objects

At the core of my artwork lie two essential goals, to make objects that convey my understanding of beauty, and while doing this, to preserve the objects functional qualities. The materials that I select to build with, primarily wood and porcelain, are renown for their durability and longevity, resulting in objects that become a permanent fixture in the life of the user. Through utility, the things that I create infiltrate the lives of those around me and provide an entry point for a conversation between myself and the user via the object. Newly developed technological methods are an integral component of my process for 3-Dimensional visualization and fabrication. The act of making objects has become a means of self-understanding. Looking back at the collection of objects that I have produced provides me with a record of my journey as a maker and affords me vision of the road to come.
Date12 June 2013
CreatorsCallahan, Paul William
ContributorsShaw, Andy, Hentz, Chris, Kelley, Kelli, Ariaz, Jeremiah, Barr, Courtney
Source SetsLouisiana State University
Detected LanguageEnglish
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