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Momentary Eddies

Our lives are in a constant state of change, from the most intimate scale physically and emotionally to the world surrounding us externally. The relationships we build with ourselves, others, and the world surrounding us are important structures we carry with us throughout life. Momentary Eddies is a visual poem about the interconnectedness of our inner and outer landscapes. I have created a hauntingly dreamlike space that explores a landscape of emotions that are an entangled part of personal intimate relationships and how the emotional and physical topographies of these relationships connect to the environment surrounding us. These paper sculptures and layered sounds represent a personal narrative, which illustrates the tender beauty of vulnerability and the ephemerality of everything.
Date09 June 2016
CreatorsHamel, Leah Marie
ContributorsSchwerd, Loren, Walsh, Michalene, Ariaz, Jeremiah, Nam, Hye Yeon, McClay, Malcolm
Source SetsLouisiana State University
Detected LanguageEnglish
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