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Baby's Day Out

Baby's Day Out explores the world through a phenomenological newness that is expressed within abstract figurative painting. Fact and fiction blend in this fantastical array of emotions and real-world referents. I relied on quick mark-making, intuition, and gestural brushwork to explore representations of psychic and emotional states. The results are reminiscent of dreams, poems, secret whispers, unconscious fantasies, and delusions. The viewer is left to navigate the aporia of the space, by gingerly extending each limb forward and backward, to wander from piece to piece. Meaning is relative as the content of each painting is dependent on the interpretive lens of the individual: this is Baby Time.
Date26 June 2017
CreatorsBerg, Andrea Nicole
ContributorsKelley, Kelli Scott, Celentano, Denyce, Sifford, Elena, Friedman, Leslie, Malveto, John
Source SetsLouisiana State University
Detected LanguageEnglish
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