Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) Design Using Reconfigurable CMOS Logic

Using the reconfigurable logic of multi-input floating gate MOSFETs, a 4-bit
ALU has been designed for 3V operation. The ALU can perform four arithmetic and four
logical operations. Multi- input floating gate (MIFG) transistors have been promising in
realizing increased functionality on a chip. A multi- input floating gate MOS transistor
accepts multiple inputs signals, calculates the weighted sum of all input signals and then
controls the ON and OFF states of the transistor. This enhances the transistor function to
more than just switching. This changes the way a logic function can be realized.
Implementing a design using multi-input floating gate MOSFETs brings about reduction
in transis tor count and number of interconnections. The advantage of bringing down the
number of devices is that a design becomes area efficient and power consumption
reduces. There are several applications that stress on smaller chip area and reduced
power. Multi- input floating gate devices have their use in memories, analog and digital
In the present work we have shown successful implementation of multi- input
floating gate MOSFETs in ALU design. A comparison has been made between adders
using different design methods w.r.t transistor count. It is seen that our design,
implemented using multi-input floating gate MOSFETs, uses the least number of
transistors when compared to other designs. The design was fabricated using double
polysilicon standard CMOS process by MOSIS in 1.5mm technology. The experimental
waveforms and delay measurements have also been presented.
Date15 October 2003
CreatorsSrinivasan, Chandra
ContributorsAshok Srivastava, Subhash Kak, Martin Feldman
Source SetsLouisiana State University
Detected LanguageEnglish
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