The dissertation investigates how supraliminal goal primes affect brand preference through explicit attitude and implicit attitude and whether the effect of supraliminal goal primes and/or mood on brand preference is mediated by cognitive load. Chapter 1 develops a conceptual framework and provides a theoretical background. Chapter 2 investigates how supraliminal goal primes and/or mood affect preference (Study 1), implicit attitude (Study 2) and explicit attitude (Study 3) in the context of luxury vs. frugal brand consumption. Chapter 2 also investigates whether the effect of goal primes and/or mood on preference is mediated by cognitive load. Chapter 3 considers whether, under a high cognitive load, the effect of goal prime and/or mood on preference is mediated by implicit attitude (Study 1) and explicit attitude (Study 2).
Identifer | |
Date | 18 November 2010 |
Creators | Fukawa, Nobuyuki |
Contributors | Burns, Alvin Clarence, Hicks, Jason, Richardson, Hettie A, DeFleur, Margaret, Niedrich, Ronald W., Weathers, Peter Daniel |
Publisher | LSU |
Source Sets | Louisiana State University |
Language | English |
Detected Language | English |
Type | text |
Format | application/pdf |
Source | |
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