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Identifying Ways of Effective Communication Focused on Public Campaign Design

The purpose of this study was to identify the most effective way of communication in cause-related campaign design. The fundraising campaign selected for this study focused on childrens leukemia, Draw a Message of Hope. The five types of public campaign design were developed utilizing different elements and techniques of visual communication: (1) image plus text, (2) infographics, (3) motion graphics, (4) typography, and (5) description only. Each type of public campaign design was assessed in terms of (1) the extent to which audiences understand about the campaign and (2) the extent to which the materials encouraged the audience to participate in the campaign. A range of the audiences underlying thoughts about each type of public campaign design was also investigated. Data was collected from undergraduates (n = 60). Descriptive statistics, a paired T-test, and content analysis were used to analyze the data.
The result showed that the motion graphics type design was most understandable for the participants, followed by the image plus text, infographics, typography, and description only type design. Similarly, the motion graphics means of design stimulated participants willingness to participate in the campaign to the greatest degree, followed by the image plus text, infographics, typography, and description only type design.
The result of a paired T-test revealed that participants responses to each type of design were statistically and significantly different except the relationship between the image plus text and infographics type design. Thus, it was found that each type of component used in a public campaign design is significantly different in terms of its effectiveness. However, there was no significant difference on the effectiveness of the image plus text and infographics type design.
For managerial implications, the result of this study provides graphic designers and organizations an important idea that they should consider utilizing motion graphics that offer sufficient information about the campaign and attract audiences interest. This result also gives an idea that description only-type design should be avoided because audiences would not pay attention to this boring type of campaign design.
Date01 December 2014
CreatorsPark, Ki Ho
ContributorsDean, Paul, Doubleday, Richard, Barr, Courtney, Cellucci, Vincent
Source SetsLouisiana State University
Detected LanguageEnglish
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