Reducing wave cycle time at a multi-channel distribution center

Thesis: M.B.A., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management, in conjunction with the Leaders for Global Operations Program at MIT, 2018. / Thesis: S.M., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, in conjunction with the Leaders for Global Operations Program at MIT, 2018. / Cataloged from PDF version of thesis. / Includes bibliographical references (page 81). / Traditional brick and mortar retailers are being forced to adapt as consumer preferences shift towards online shopping. In response, many retailers are developing infrastructure and processes to handle the increased service levels (faster cycle time) that accompanies this digital volume. One challenge that arises during this transition is how to implement the new processes in existing, capital intensive, warehouses. This thesis presents methods for improving service performance by reducing wave cycle time in a large, multi-channel distribution center. By prioritizing digital consumers' orders, lower priority waves are consistently disrupted, which leads to extended wave cycle times and potentially delayed orders to wholesale customers. By analyzing historical data from distribution center operations, it is possible to test hypotheses and develop strategies for reducing cycle time. These hypotheses can then inform experiments to test the effects of operational changes. The impact of this work has been verified in two phases. In the first phase, improving transparency of lagging orders reduced average cycle time by 45%. In the second phase, the wave strategy for high priority orders was modified and resulted in an additional significant time savings and led to an increase in service performance, defined as shipped on time. / by Matthew Reno Wallach. / M.B.A. / S.M.
Date January 2018
CreatorsWallach, Matthew Reno
ContributorsStephen Graves, Maria Yang, and David Simchi-Levi., Leaders for Global Operations Program., Leaders for Global Operations Program at MIT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sloan School of Management
PublisherMassachusetts Institute of Technology
Source SetsM.I.T. Theses and Dissertation
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format81 pages, application/pdf
RightsMIT theses are protected by copyright. They may be viewed, downloaded, or printed from this source but further reproduction or distribution in any format is prohibited without written permission.,

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