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When the night hour stalks about the steeple that is when it's fine to look.

This is a manuscript comprised of two yearsÕ reflection, in an advanced setting, on the roles of poetry and gender today, as might be expressed through old or ancient forms and tropes, as well as more contemporary poetic approaches. No specific narrative is established, but themes are iterated, and reiterated, in multiple settings with the intention of permitting the reader freedom in his or her interpretation. This intention has its place in the wilfulness of the Poet to explain the self, as it is experienced, how it is idealised, and how it may actually be in a controlled environment.
Date28 June 2013
CreatorsDubey, Myrrah
ContributorsEd Skoog
PublisherThe University of Montana
Source SetsUniversity of Montana Missoula
Detected LanguageEnglish
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