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An Interlinear Analysis of Seven Kalispel Texts From Hans Vogt

This thesis is an interlinearization of seven Kalispel texts originally published in 1940 by Hans Vogt. The texts were published with sentence-by-sentence English translations but were not further analyzed by Vogt. Here, they are analyzed at the morpheme level, providing data for further research on the language and for language documentation and preservation purposes. The thesis includes an introductory section with background and methodology, the interlinearized texts, and a list of stems, affixes, and roots occurring in the texts.
Date19 September 2007
CreatorsCamp, Kelsi
ContributorsAnthony Mattina, Mizuki Miyashita, James Scott
PublisherThe University of Montana
Source SetsUniversity of Montana Missoula
Detected LanguageEnglish
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