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The Aerodynamic Analysis and Aeroelastic Tailoring of a Forward-Swept Wing

The use of forward-swept wings has aerodynamic benefits at high angles of attack and in supersonic regimes. These consist of reduction in wave drag, profile drag, and increased high angle of attack handling qualities. These increased benefits are often offset due to an increase in structural components, to overcome flutter and wing tip divergence due to high loading of the wing tips at high angles of attack. The use of composite materials and aeroelastic tailoring of the structures eliminates these instabilities without a significant increase in weight. This work presents the design of an aeroelastic wing structure for a highly forward-swept wing, and the verification of the aerodynamic and structural finite element analysis through experimental testing.
Date08 May 2006
CreatorsRoberts, David William
ContributorsDr. Kara Peters, Dr. Charles E. Hall, Dr. James Selgrade
Source SetsNorth Carolina State University
Detected LanguageEnglish
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