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Numerical Simulation of the Internal Two-Phase Flow within an Aerated-Liquid Injector and its Injection into the Corresopnding High-speed Crossflows.

Aerated-liquid atomization, which is produced by the introduction of gas directly into a liquid flow immediately upstream of the injector exit orifice to generate a two-phase flow, has been shown to produce well-atomized sprays in a quiescent environment with only a small amount of aerating gas at relatively low injection pressures. A time-derivative preconditioning method using the Low-Diffusion Flux-Splitting Scheme (LDFSS) has been extended to a ?mixture? model of two-phase flow and applied to simulate the structure of internal two-phase flow for aerated-liquid injectors, with each phase governed by its own equation of state. The Continuum Surface Force (CSF) model of Brackbill, et al. is adapted to model compressible fluid flow influenced by interfacial surface tension. A sub-iterative time integration method based on a planar Gauss-Seidel partitioning of the system matrix is used with implicit source terms as a means of solving the three-dimensional, time-dependent form of the governing equations. The calculations are parallelized using domain-decomposition and Message-Passing Interface (MPI) methods, and are optimized for operation on the 720 processor IBM SP-2 at the North Carolina Supercomputing Center (NCSC). Simulation results for 2-D aerated-liquid injector flowfields at gas-to-liquid (GLR) mass ratios of 0.08% and 2.45% are discussed. In accord with experimental visualization data, the results for GLR = 0.08% indicate a combination of slugging and core-annular two-phase flow in the injector. Results at GLR = 2.45% indicate that a core-annular flow mode dominates, again in agreement with experimental results. The effects of the choice of reference velocity and the level of surface tension on the injector flowfield solutions are also examined.
Date17 September 2002
CreatorsTian, Ming
ContributorsDr. Jack R. Edwards, Dr. Semyon V. Tsynkov, Dr. Hassan A. Hassan
Source SetsNorth Carolina State University
Detected LanguageEnglish
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