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Strategic Shifts in Textile Production 1994-2006

In order to better understand the changes and trends in the increasingly competitive dynamics of global textile complex, this research focuses on analyzing the rate of change in country of production origin for fiber, yarn, fabric and end-use products in the past decade. By using the model of textile product complex as framework, the data presented in this research paper were firstly collected from various data sources, such as the Fiber Economics Bureau, ITMF, ICAC, Textiles Intelligence, CIRFS, and WTO as well. The data were then validated to ensure its integrity, which represented a significant stage in the process. Finally, the data were analyzed and conclusions were drawn based on the obvious trends in the data. This research offers a practical interpretation of the direction and magnitude of changes in worldwide textile and apparel production. Meanwhile, it provides an outline of the relationships between textile trade and production, as well as the relationships between production and employment. In addition, the findings from this study will show the direction for global sourcing of textile and apparel products.
Date08 November 2006
CreatorsJi, Yan Ms.
ContributorsDr. Trevor J. Little, Dr. Nancy L. Cassill, Dr. Pamela Banks-Lee
Source SetsNorth Carolina State University
Detected LanguageEnglish
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