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Simulation of Transitional Flow over an Elliptic Cone at Mach 8 using a One-Equation Transition/Turbulence Model

The purpose of this research has been to extend a previously developed one-equation model for transitional/turbulent flows (AIAA Journal, Vol. 39, No. 9) for use in the simulation of transitional/turbulent flows over three-dimensional bodies in conventional hypersonic tunnels. This is done computationally through the combination of the Spalart-Allmaras one-equation turbulence model and an eddy viscosity-transport equation based on that proposed by Xiao, Edwards, and Hassan for high disturbance environment (HIDE) induced transition. The blending of these two pieces of the model is achieved through the use of an intermittency function based on the work of Dhawan and Narasimha. The test case used in this research is an elliptic cone of aspect ratio 2:1 in a Mach 8 environment with Reynolds numbers between the range of 1.98x10<sup>6</sup>/ft and 6.09x10<sup>5</sup>/ft. Two separate methods are used to find the boundary layer edge flow properties under the resulting conical shock. The first of these methods uses fluid values extracted from the surface of the cone after an inviscid calculation. The second searches for the boundary layer edge by locating the largest momentum flux under the shock. The second of the two approaches is found to be the most successful in replicating transitional flow heat flux data measured experimentally by Kimmel, Poggie, and Schwoerk. Over the range of Reynolds numbers examined, the model reasonably predicts the location and extent of the transitional region, but does not effectively predict fluid properties within the transitional region.
Date20 November 2002
CreatorsMalechuk, Andrew Martin
ContributorsDr. Jack R. Edwards, Dr. Hassan A. Hassan, Dr. Kailash C. Misra
Source SetsNorth Carolina State University
Detected LanguageEnglish
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