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The Effect of Anisotropy on In-Plane liquid Distribution in Nonwoven Fabrics

<p>AbstractKonopka, Amy Elizabeth. The Effect of Anisotropy on In-Plane liquid Distribution in Nonwoven Fabrics. (Under the direction of Behnam Pourdeyhimi)Anisotropy has been shown to be an influencing factor of many nonwoven structural properties such as the bending rigidity and the tensile strength. The effect on liquid distribution (a very important property in many nonwoven applications), however, has not been determined. In this study the effect on anisotropy on a material's in-plane liquid distribution is examined. By using the new NCRC GATS device, which enables the in-plane liquid distribution and the recording of the spread to occur simultaneously, it was determined that the liquid distribution was indeed influenced by the structural anisotropy. Also determined was the effect of the testing method on the wicking rate of the material. A comparison between conventional test methods and a newly developed test method, which utilizes the NCRC GATS and a hollowed plate, were made. It was determined from the results that the new method is the only method that measures the intrinsic wicking of the material.<P>
Date25 September 2001
CreatorsKonopka, Amy Elizabeth
ContributorsBehnam Pourdeyhimi, William Oxenham, Mike Kocurek
Source SetsNorth Carolina State University
Detected LanguageEnglish
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