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Economic Analysis of using MEMS technology for monitoring warp tension and breaks in weaving

<p>Micro-electro-mechanical-systems (MEMS) comprise a range of technologies that enable the fabrication of micron-sized, solid state devices such as sensors and actuators. MEMS manufacturing technologies enable the development of many exciting micro-scale or micro miniaturized products. This paper presents a decision model for evaluating the potential cost/benefit of different applications of MEMS for textiles. The objective is to determine the feasibility of replacing current warp tension measurement methods with MEMS. In order to accomplish this goal, a literature survey was conducted to document the current economic models and cost justification issues as well as the fundamentals of MEMS. From this survey, decision methodologies were identified and a decision model was established. To establish this model, Microsoft Excel (version Excel 2000) spreadsheet was used as a tool. The results from this model have been used to analyze the feasibility of using MEMS technology in measuring warp tension for textile applications.Finally, conclusions and recommendations for future applications have been covered.<P>
Date02 January 2002
CreatorsKobaner, Can
ContributorsDr. George L. Hodge, Dr. Abdelfattah Seyam, Dr. William Oxenham, Dr. Thomas Honeycutt
Source SetsNorth Carolina State University
Detected LanguageEnglish
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