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Hardware Design, Integration, and Verification of Geometry Engine in 3D Graphics

3D graphics pipeline can be divided into two subsystems: geometry subsystem and rendering subsystem. In this thesis, the geometry subsystem is implemented based on the specification of OpenGL ES. The major operations in the geometry subsystem are transformation, lighting, backface culling, and clipping. We propose a new architecture for the geometry subsystem that reorganizes the functions of different hardware components at three different pipeline stages so that three vertices can be processed at the same time by efficiently utilizing the hardware components. The same type of operations is executed at the same hardware component but maybe in different pipeline stages in order to increase the hardware utilization efficiency and to reduce the overall area cost. We also improve the designs of individual hardware components proposed in previous paper so that the area cost can be reduced while still meeting the operation accuracy. The interfaces and communication registers among the hardware geometry subsystem, another hardware rendering subsystem and OS drivers are also designed so that the complete OpenGL API software programs can be executed in the integrated 3D graphics system. In addition to the traditional RTL verification, the complete system is also mapped to a FPGA board to demonstrate the rendered 3D graphics pictures on the screen. Thus, the complete hardware/software integration (including OpenGL API application software, OS drivers, and graphics hardware) is verified.
Date27 July 2006
CreatorsHuang, Ting-Yun
ContributorsChung-Ho Chen, Ing-Jer Huang, Jih-Ching Chiu, Shen-Fu Hsiao
Source SetsNSYSU Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Archive
Detected LanguageEnglish
Rightsnot_available, Copyright information available at source archive

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