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Patient-Centered Care (PCC), also known as individualized care, focuses on the patient¡¯s right to have his/her values and beliefs respected as an individual. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of PCC on a patient¡¯s level of satisfaction at discharge from an acute healthcare setting. The study examined the effect of PCC on patient satisfaction, the quality of patient care and the patient¡¯s perception of nursing care. Participants consisted of 116 patients scheduled to undergo gastric bypass surgery within a community hospital. Eligibility criteria included: a) age > 18 years, b) scheduled for bariatric surgery c) surgical procedure performed by one predefined surgeon; and d) expected hospital stay of ¡Ý 2 days. Exclusion criteria consisted of: a) prior admission to the study unit or b) bariatric surgery performed by a surgeon other than the predefined surgeon c) transfer off study unit, and d) scheduled for a LAP Band procedure. Subjects (aged 46 ¡À 12 years) were randomized to the experimental (n=58) or control (n=58) group. The experimental group was called 24 to 48 hours prior to the scheduled admission and cared for by nurses trained in providing PCC. The Control group received usual care. Both groups completed two questionnaires at discharge and were contacted 24 to 48 hours post discharge to complete a structured interview. There were no statistically significant differences between groups in age, gender, race or marital status, but a greater number of females were found in the PCC group (n=50) vs. usual care group (n=41), p= 0.07; there was no difference in LOS, p=.776; postoperative infection, p=1.0; falls, p=1.0 or post-op complications. When measuring overall satisfaction no statistically significant differences were found between groups, p=.247. Findings indicate that PCC did not significantly impact patient outcomes examined in the setting utilized in this study
Date16 January 2008
CreatorsWolf, Debra M.
ContributorsLeslie Hoffman, RN, PhD, FAAN, Margaret Rosenzweig,PhD, CRNP-C, AOCN, Andrea Schmid, Thomas Zullo, PhD, Samuel Friede, FACHE
PublisherUniversity of Pittsburgh
Source SetsUniversity of Pittsburgh
Detected LanguageEnglish
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