Disasters vary in scope, size, and cause. Relevant public health aspects of disasters include community impact and the response of health professionals to alleviate stress and dangerous conditions surrounding the disaster. Public health focuses on the prevention of disease and the promotion of health. Disaster preparedness and response are significant areas in the field of public health. Disasters pose threats to the general public through increases in injury, death, and changes in infrastructure. The public health response to disaster includes assessments of the community impact, surveillance for disease, addressing sanitary health concerns, and providing information to the public. Mental health professionals also have important roles in responding to disaster in the community. In addition to physical aspects, disasters also may pose psychological risks to individuals and to the effected community. These risks may include stress, anxiety, and depression. Mental health workers provide counseling, support, and education to assist people affected by disaster in returning to their pre-disaster level of functioning. Traditionally there has been a separation between the disciplines of public health and mental health. Public health is population-based and mental health has been traditionally regarded being more individually based. During a disastrous event communication and organization among agencies is critical to an effective response. Increased collaborations between public health and mental health are needed to facilitate an appropriate and effective disaster response. Both areas aim to improve overall health and well being, and therefore are inter-related. Each discipline needs to become more familiar with the nature of each others work. Overall increases in public and mental health research, planning, training, and education programs are needed to understand and appreciate both the public health and mental health consequences of disaster and to improve community participation and preparedness.
Identifer | oai:union.ndltd.org:PITT/oai:PITTETD:etd-04112006-153710 |
Date | 07 June 2006 |
Creators | Russo, Angela Jean |
Contributors | Edmund M. Ricci, PhD, MLitt, John Marx, MA, PhD, Gail S. Cairns, MA, MPH |
Publisher | University of Pittsburgh |
Source Sets | University of Pittsburgh |
Language | English |
Detected Language | English |
Type | text |
Format | application/pdf |
Source | http://etd.library.pitt.edu/ETD/available/etd-04112006-153710/ |
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