Culture and Health: A Qualitative Study of Somali Bantu Women in Pittsburgh

The demographics of the United States are changing daily and the foreign population has increased with numerous languages currently spoken in the country. African refugees are one of the fastest growing populations of the U.S. many of whom have been displaced from their country due to civil unrest. An example of an immigrant population that is growing rapidly in the U.S. is the Somali Bantu whom like other immigrant ethnic populations do not have adequate access to health care because of their economic status, lack of health insurance, and cultural and language barriers. Due to these circumstances and lack of knowledge on health related issues, Somali immigrant women will choose to neglect their health over their children and spouses ignoring the importance of preventive, maternal, or reproductive health.
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) and many health care providers have observed that the root causes for disparities in ethnic groups are multifactorial and complex and exist due to a range of barriers such as language, education levels, geography, and cultural familiarity. Healthy People 2010 address the health concerns of the future of the nation and in order to meet the goals and eliminate health disparities, public health practitioners must reach out to immigrant populations.
This research paper presents an analysis of findings from a community-based assessment regarding the resettlement challenges and health care needs of the Somali Bantu immigrant population in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania which is a public health issue that needs to be addressed. This research paper will also propose steps to help improve the knowledge and quality of health care for the immigrant Somali Bantu in Pittsburgh through an intervention program with the focus on women and maternal health.
Date28 June 2007
CreatorsShamalla-Hannah, Lorraine
ContributorsDr. Anthony Silvestre, Dr. James Butler, Dr. Diane Abatemarco
PublisherUniversity of Pittsburgh
Source SetsUniversity of Pittsburgh
Detected LanguageEnglish
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