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Social Functioning of Children and Their Parents: Are They Related?

This study examined whether parents social support was related to their childrens peer acceptance and likability. The moderating role of the parents and the childs gender was also examined. Father (N = 146-150) and mother (N = 201) reports of social support and peer reports of peer acceptance were obtained from 107 boys and 96 girls (7.92-16.76 years, M = 11.77). Aspects of fathers and mothers social support were observed to be differentially correlated with their childrens friendships and likability. While fathers social support was moderately correlated with their childrens friendships, mothers social support was not. The implications of these findings for the role of fathers in childrens social functioning are discussed.
Date18 June 2010
CreatorsWetzel, Megan
ContributorsJennifer M. Waller, Robert B. Noll, William M. Bukowski, Craig Peebles
PublisherUniversity of Pittsburgh
Source SetsUniversity of Pittsburgh
Detected LanguageEnglish
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