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"enchanted days" for chamber ensemble: Some Considerations and Analysis

enchanted days, for flute, clarinet, violin, cello, piano and percussion represents the largest and stylistically most advanced composition of mine to date. The piece centers on the fulfillment and denial of perfect consonances (the octave and unison), in such a way that the various instrument pairings and doublings develop dramatic characters, and eventually create their own rules that describe the context for the uses of consonance and dissonance. These rulescentered around the three concepts of unity, unexpectedness, and dramacreate transformations of the two large categories of material, which can be roughly described as triadic harmonies with wrong notes added, contrasted with tone clusters relating to Major and minor seconds. A sense of humor enters the piece as part of these transformations; however, by the end, not only have the roles of various instruments changed, they have been compromised almost to reversala compromise that is somber and resigned. This reversal applies not only to the instrumental characters, but to the relationship between D and C#, the crucial notes of the work.
Date08 June 2007
CreatorsLivengood, Kerrith Joy Quigley
ContributorsMathew Rosenblum, Eric Moe, Amy Williams, Roger Zahab
PublisherUniversity of Pittsburgh
Source SetsUniversity of Pittsburgh
Detected LanguageEnglish
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