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YouTube and Music: Competing Expressions of Turkish Nationalist Sentiment in the Virtual Sphere

The video sharing website YouTube represents a vibrant space for sociomusical interaction. The use of the space in Turkey is characterized by a particularly high level of politicization, as seen through the ban of the site in that country (current as of the time of writing). As a musical medium, YouTube provides a space where users can post and view videos that combine music with imagery and commentary. Being one of the most popular international video sharing websites, YouTube might seem to be an apolitical, borderless arena for a completely new kind of interaction. However, videos of Turkish folk songs, which have been used by the state in nationalist discourse, often serves as a forum for expressing nationalist feelings. By focusing on videos of one particular folk song, Kalenin Bedenleri (The Walls of the Castle), this study analyzes contested representations of Turkish identity. The importance of the medium of video sharing can be seen in the growth of other outlets as a response to the ban on YouTube, such as Facebook, İzlesene, and Dailymotion. This study analyzes the ways in which the differing forms of these alternate outlets reveal new barriers that arise out of the nature of the Internet and accessibility. By examining both the media and a particular song, this thesis shows the multiple ways that music, YouTube and Internet video sharing are used as a forum for discussing Turkish nationalist sentiment by users around the world.
Date14 May 2010
CreatorsWithers, Jonathan S.
ContributorsDeane Root, Eliot Bates, Andrew Weintraub, Adriana Helbig
PublisherUniversity of Pittsburgh
Source SetsUniversity of Pittsburgh
Detected LanguageEnglish
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