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Pittsburgh Jazz Records and Beyond, 1950-1985

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania has always been a musically fertile city, and it has been the incubator for many of the greatest musicians in the history of jazz. While not a major recording center, Pittsburgh has maintained, since the 1950s, an active recording scene documenting the work of jazz musicians living in the city. Because independent record labels and studios have been the rule in Pittsburgh, many recordings made by great Pittsburgh musicians in Pittsburgh have been overlooked.
While jazz musicians have always engaged in diverse musical endeavors, including popular music, the aesthetics of jazz and pop grew closer together in the late 1960s with the advent of fusion and funk. This stylistic cross-fretilization made much of the music of the late 1960s and 1970s difficult to categorize. To try to fit this music into compartments of jazz, rock, pop, or otherwise is counterproductive, undermining the comprehensive study of the periods music and the work of its musicians.
Thus, the contributions of this study are twofold. It documents many overlooked recordings made in Pittsburgh by Pittsburgh musicians, while simultaneously serving as a case study of the progression of jazz from bebop to funk and fusion, and as an illustration of the necessity of casting a wide stylistic net, including genres such as gospel and popular music, when studying the history of jazz and its musicians.
Date08 June 2007
CreatorsPena, Carlos Enrique
ContributorsAndrew Weintraub, James P. Cassaro, Nathan Davis
PublisherUniversity of Pittsburgh
Source SetsUniversity of Pittsburgh
Detected LanguageEnglish
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