"Music with a Message:" A Proposed Evaluation Model for the KRUNK Movement Health Initiative for Youth

Adolescent health is a growing concern among professionals since it has been shown that the majority of deaths and disabilities that occur in this age group are largely determined by behaviors. Many adolescents engage in risky behaviors such as early sexual promiscuity, substance abuse and violence, which can have long lasting or permanent consequences. In order to significantly reduce the incidence of health disparities in these areas, public health interventions must be innovative, specific and comprehensive in addressing the behaviors that lead to such issues. It is also imperative that existing interventions address barriers many youth face including lack of knowledge and empowerment about the negative effects of risky behavior. Although challenges remain in educating and promoting health services to an ever-changing adolescent population, interventionists should focus on identifying the causes of early initiation of risky behaviors and the rationale behind why they continue. This is of public health significance because there are a number of health issues facing at-risk youth in underserved populations such as early sexual behavior, violence and substance abuse. Interventions will be identified utilizing music as a mechanism to inform youth about healthy behaviors. Adolescents are influenced by music and other forms of media which has a direct effect on their behavior. The influences of hip-hop music and its effects among adolescent behavior will be discussed. A qualitative evaluation strategy is proposed for the KRUNK Movement health initiative for youth located in the greater Pittsburgh area.

Date26 June 2007
CreatorsNicholson, Kimberly Yolanda
ContributorsRavi K. Sharma, PhD, Emilia Lombardi, PhD, Martha Terry, PhD
PublisherUniversity of Pittsburgh
Source SetsUniversity of Pittsburgh
Detected LanguageEnglish
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