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The Motets of Michael Deiss: A New and Critical Edition

In 1568, the Venetian printer Antonio Gardano released an enormous collection of 254 motets under the title Novi thesauri musici. This five-volume collection of 254 liturgically-related motets was financed and overseen by Pietro Giovanelli, a member of a wealthy family from the Bergamo region of Italy. The massive compilation consists of music written by composers stationed at the Hofkapellen of Graz, Innsbruck, Prague, as well as the Imperial Hofkapelle in Vienna. While some degree of scholarship has been carried out concerning this very significant publication, there are many composers in the Novus Thesaurus who are still virtually unknown today. One such composer was the young Michael Deiss, a choirboy at the Imperial Hofkapelle in Graz. Deiss is the third-most prolific composer in the collection, contributing fourteen motets spanning over each of the five books in the collection.
Despite his conspicuous representation in the Thesaurus, however, only one of his motets had been previously transcribed and discussed in any detail until this edition. Also, beyond Giovanellis collection, there is no knowledge of any other compositions by Deiss that survive. Though Deiss certainly does not rank with the established masters of the sixteenth-century motet, his music is worthy of study from a different standpoint. Little is known about the compositional process of renaissance music, and examining the work of an apparent student could provide valuable insight into answering some of the questions that arise when investigating pedagogical relationships and localized stylistic conventions.
I have prepared a critical edition in modern transcriptions of all fourteen motets by Deiss that appear in the Novus Thesaurus. In addition, I have provided a historical and stylistic background to Deisss music, as well as a detailed commentary for each motet. It is my aim here to provide the foundation necessary to commence more specific research into issues concerning the style of the sixteenth-century Hapsburg Hofkapellen and the learning process, as well as offering some observations and conclusions of my own.
Date13 June 2007
CreatorsRuth, Christopher Thomas
ContributorsAnna Nisnevich, PhD, James P. Cassaro, MA, MLS, Mary S. Lewis, PhD
PublisherUniversity of Pittsburgh
Source SetsUniversity of Pittsburgh
Detected LanguageEnglish
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