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The Implementation and Efficacy of Scientific Literature within an Introductory Biology Lecture Course: A Study in Pedagogy, Curricula, and Standards as They Apply to Post-Secondary Science Education

The current study involved students enrolled in the Fall 2007 Biosc 0150 and Spring 2008 Biosc 0160 lecture sections of a single Faculty member. Most students were incoming freshmen, and their prior exposure to the natural sciences varied. A single recitation section was used as the experimental section, taken from each lecture section. In addition to regular instruction, the students enrolled in the experimental section were also assigned readings from peer-reviewed journals. The performance of these students was then tracked, as it was expected to vary, and compared to that of the students enrolled in the control recitation sections. There was found to be a significant difference between the achieved mean course grade of the experimental section and the control section, for the Biosc 0150 lecture section, but not in the Biosc 0160 lecture section. Important trends, though, were noted in both semesters and are examined herein.
Date15 May 2009
CreatorsTomaszewski, Shaun Allen
ContributorsLaurel Roberts, Susan Godfrey, Sandra Bobick, Kathy Humphrey
PublisherUniversity of Pittsburgh
Source SetsUniversity of Pittsburgh
Detected LanguageEnglish
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