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Designing a National Emergency Wireless System

Designing a National Emergency Wireless System
Richard Anderson, B.S.
University of Pittsburgh, 2005
This paper looks at combining modern telephone services together for emergency support services. The newer services provided by 2.5 and 3G technologies, such as broadcast text messaging, GPS tracking and the ability to send video and images, has expanded our capabilities for sending information to a large consumer base. By taking these services, and targeting them towards emergency response crews as well as civilians, a new emergency system can be designed. Utilizing leading edge wireless technologies will allow workers to communicate faster, distribute information effectively, and provide better support during an emergency. Civilians can be warned of an impending disaster and can be alerted as how to proceed in an emergency situation. These new services can be added to the current infrastructure and can work on many of the devices already in use on the current cellular network.
Date28 July 2005
CreatorsAnderson, Rick
ContributorsMartin Weiss, Prashant Krishnamurthy, Richard Thomspon
PublisherUniversity of Pittsburgh
Source SetsUniversity of Pittsburgh
Detected LanguageEnglish
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