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Protective factors and the development of resilience among boys from low-income families

The purpose of the study was to advance our understanding of resilience by studying multiple protective factors associated with positive adjustment among an ethnically diverse sample of 226 low-income boys followed prospectively from ages 1.5 to 12, using trajectories of neighborhood quality from ages 1.5-10 to define risk status. The results indicated that child IQ, nurturant parenting, parent-child relationship quality, and marital quality measured in early childhood were all significantly associated with a composite measure tapping low levels of antisocial behavior and high levels of social skills at ages 11 and 12. However, these results were qualified by the fact that marital quality was only significantly related to positive social adjustment in the context of low levels of risk. Results suggest that with the exception of marital quality, these protective factors operate in a comparable manner with respect to positive social adjustment for this predominantly low-income urban sample of boys.
Date28 September 2006
CreatorsVanderbilt-Adriance, Ella
ContributorsJennifer S. Silk, Robert B. McCall, Susan B. Campbell, Daniel S. Shaw
PublisherUniversity of Pittsburgh
Source SetsUniversity of Pittsburgh
Detected LanguageEnglish
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