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In todays ever-evolving design environments, a focus switch is needed from workstation-centric software tools to distributed services. For ComputerAided Design, the use of distributed services has the potential to incorporate all of the needed software features for a given project into a new design system that utilizes services. Thus, the designer would have access to features that are not locally installed. This thesis presents a secure middleware solution for design environments. The secure middleware solution provides a system architecture and information infrastructure to facilitate the needs of the designer while also providing access to remote services. The system architecture and information infrastructure are designed with the designer in mind by providing access to any file at any time at any location, and the ability to submit jobs to any available services. These fundamental components are implemented as to not compromise security or accountability. Enabling the system architecture are four fundamental technologies created for this system. They include: (1) a Secure Java Messaging Service, (2) Verification Services, (3) Gateway and Directory Services, and (4) a Secure File System. Through the creation of these four technologies, the system architecture and information infrastructure was developed and deployed into a simulated design environment. Results showing the benefits of this design environment over other design environments are explored within this thesis. Overall, the secure middleware solution for design environments benefits designers and enterprises in a secure, traceable, and accountable manner.
Date27 September 2006
CreatorsSt. Onge, Joseph Giacomo
ContributorsKim LaScola Needy, Alex K. Jones, J.T. (Tom) Cain, Raymond R. Hoare
PublisherUniversity of Pittsburgh
Source SetsUniversity of Pittsburgh
Detected LanguageEnglish
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