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The Short and Long-Run Financial Impact of Corporate Outsourcing Transactions

This dissertation investigates the financial impact of a large sample of outsourcing contracts signed by corporations listed on the US markets from 1990 through 2003. We construct a data set that identifies the outsourcing client and vendor firms and use this data set to examine (a) the announcement effects of outsourcing contracts on firm value, (b) the impact of outsourcing contracts on long-run stock and accounting performance and (c) the impact of outsourcing contracts on the relation between client and vendor firms.
Date08 September 2006
CreatorsGao, Ning
ContributorsFrederik Schlingemann, Steven Husted, Kuldeep Shastri, Shawn Thomas, Chad Zutter
PublisherUniversity of Pittsburgh
Source SetsUniversity of Pittsburgh
Detected LanguageEnglish
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