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This thesis explores the musical characteristics of Sundanese childrens songs (kakawihan barudak Sunda) and interprets the meanings embedded in these songs. Kakawihan barudak Sunda are sung throughout the province of West Java. Kakawihan barudak Sunda refer to: (1) a repertoire of songs, and (2) the social context of singing these songs. The lyrics of kakawihan barudak Sunda contain deep meanings and reflect particular Sundanese historical, social, and cultural/religious values. Kakawihan barudak Sunda are disseminated orally from one generation to the next. Sundanese people believe that these songs have existed for hundreds of years. In the 1950s, the context of performance of kakawihan barudak Sunda shifted from village contexts to entertainment, music competitions, and festivals.
This thesis presents a musical and lyrical/textual analysis of five songs and contributes to English-language scholarship about Sundanese music and culture. This thesis also provides written materials for teaching Sundanese language and cultural values, particularly for elementary school students in West Java, Indonesia.
Date27 January 2011
CreatorsRidwan, Indra
ContributorsAdriana Helbig, Andrew Weintraub, Bell Yung
PublisherUniversity of Pittsburgh
Source SetsUniversity of Pittsburgh
Detected LanguageEnglish
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